A new way to understand adult ADHD

“How Did That Happen?” Understanding Adult ADHD Through Stories of Lived Experience

Twice in her life, Vanessa Jones accidentally touched an electric fence. Each of those sudden jolts made her acutely aware that there were things she missed which others did not. It wasn’t until she received an ADHD diagnosis in her early 40’s, however, that she began piecing together the ways in which a lifetime of undiagnosed ADHD had left her missing important details like a dissolving marriage, frustrated co-workers, and how to cross the street.


Using cited research and relatable, personal stories, Vanessa Jones has written a book that provides explanations to questions ADHD-ers often wonder, such as “Why do I put my foot in my mouth so often?” and “Why can’t I start (or finish) certain projects?” Each chapter begins with a humorous lament, written as an epitaph, that epitomizes the struggles of people with ADHD as they have attempted to navigate a world not built for them.


If you’ve been wanting to identify your adult ADHD traits so you can take control of your own trajectory (but couldn’t maintain your interest long enough to finish a book about it), come on in. This is a story about you.

“Before I read this book, I just thought I was flighty. Which is funny, because I can’t fly.”

—Dominique Dodo, star of “Adventures of Dodo Dominique and Lola”

“It’s like this, doc. I can run circles around people, but I can’t remember where I put my carrot.”

— Bugs Bunny, star of Loony Tunes

About Vanessa

An English teacher, writer and voice actor, Ms. Jones did a deep dive into ADHD research when she received her adult ADHD diagnosis. She applied this knowledge to her teaching practices with ADHD students, and she wrote down her own stories to make sense of the impact of ADHD on her life. The result is an ADHD-friendly guidebook, complete with an engaging, poignant, laugh-out-loud personal narrative woven throughout that illustrates the various challenges of ADHD, one symptom at a time.